
5894 Chandler Ct Westerville, OH 43082

Sally Sliger

Sally is a retired physical therapist with over 30 years of outpatient orthopedic experience. She became familiar with the Pilates Method while practicing her profession, but became a true fan of the Pilates Method once she began taking Pilates sessions herself. Once immersed in the Method, she found Pilates to be the best exercise program for spinal care in addition to enhancing post-op total joint replacements.  

Sally found working with and in the Pilates exercise system so beneficial that she became certified in both mat and apparatus. The Pilates exercises supported her message as a physical therapist, promoting good posture, balance and overall body wellbeing. She continued to use the method within her scope of practice as a physical therapist and then decided to become a Pilates instructor once she retired.  

Pilates has played a solid role in her personal exercise development, which includes being an avid runner – multiple 5ks & half marathons a year, as well as cycling and triathlons. Sally has participated in Pelotonia for the past 15 years and has no plans to stop anytime soon! She feels that Pilates has played a part in maintaining her ability to remain active and healthy so she can do the things she loves most.  

It is important to stay active, and maintain good posture, balance and stability through our core, scapular muscles and legs. Pilates addresses all these things and she plans to keep sharing them with her clients to keep them healthy and strong.